Forskolin Premium Review

This is going to be a review on Forskolin Premium. After extensive research, we’ve determined Forskolin Premium may be one, if not the best fat burning product currently for purchase. The manufacturer states this product is unlike other forskolin products due to the fact it does not contain extra filler ingredients which are unnecessary and do not help with providing results. For those who are serious about shedding that unwanted body fat, this can be a contender for you. Please continue reading the review to learn more about this product and its claims.



A serving, which is 2 capsules, of Forskolin Premium contains 500 milligrams worth of pure Forskolin Root Extract. The capsules are vegetarian, making this product also ideal for people who choose to live a vegetarian lifestyle.


It is recommended you take one capsule twice daily. Each capsule should be take half hour before you eat with 8 ounces of water.

Possible Side Effects

Forskolin Premium is stated to not interact with other supplements or medications. However, we always recommend you talk with your doctor before adding any type of new supplement into your lifestyle. For pregnant women or those who are breastfeeding, people with an already existing condition, or those who are already taking a prescription medication, it is highly suggested you first speak with your healthcare professional.


You can select from three packages when it comes to this product. You can choose from the one month supply, 3 months supply, or the 6 months supply. Each is at a discounted price; however, your best value would be to purchase the 6 month supply package since each bottle would amount to $33.00, which is greatly discounted from the one month supply, priced at $48.00.


Forskolin Premium comes with a one year guarantee. This allows you to have plenty of time to test the product without having to worry about losing your money. If you’re unsatisfied or unhappy with the product after a certain length of time, you can send your contents back with no hassle. All the company asks you to do is first contact a customer service representative to notify them and then send the product (opened and unopened) back to the company. Once they receive the shipment your refund will be processed.

Besides the very solid guarantee, the product is also supported by customer testimonials. The majority of the customers have enjoyed and been very happy with the results and claims of this product.


Forskolin Premium may be one of the best fat loss products currently for purchase. Besides the purity of the ingredients, this product is vegetarian friendly, and provides results without compromising quality. Another reason this product is stands out from the rest is due to its customer reviews and full year guarantee. It is very rare a company provides such a great guarantee. The guarantee allows you or any potential new customer to try this product without fear of lost money. If you are sick and tired of trying all types of forskolin products and getting little to no results, Forskolin Premium may be the answer you are searching for.

Click here and learn more about our top forskolin supplements.


Research Verified Forskolin Review

We are going to review for you Research Verified Forskolin. Through our thorough research, we have concluded this product to be one of the best forskolin products current out on the market. The product, according to the company is meant to assist people with their battle against fat loss and also help them achieve their goals. Unlike other products currently on the market, Research Verified Forskolin has no filler or artificial ingredients which can diminish the potency and effects. If you are interested in learning more about this product, please keep reading this review.


Two capsules of ReserchVerified Forskolin contains 500 mg of Forskolin Root Extract. This product is suitable to use for those who are vegetarian since the capsules are gelatin free.


The recommended dosage for this product is one capsule two times a day. You should take this 30 minutes before your meal with water, preferably 8 ounces.

Possible Side Effects

Since this product has no filler ingredients and is completely natural, there should be no side effects. However, as with any supplement, we recommend you speak with your healthcare physician first if you have any questions or concerns about the product. For women who are pregnant or nursing, those already taking medication, or people with a medical condition are highly recommended to speak with their physician before incorporating a new supplement.


There are three packages to select from. We have noticed the more bottles you purchase, the better the value is. One bottle is listed at the discounted price of $48.00; however, 6 bottles will cost a total of $198.00 making each bottle only $33.00.


With Research Verified Forskolin, you have a 365 day guarantee for this product. This means you an entire year to determine if this product is right for you. A 365 day guarantee is something that is very rare, but the company firmly stands behind its product and the results it provides. However, if you are unhappy with your results, all you will need to do contact their customer service department before the 365 days is up and then ship back all bottles, including the opened ones to get your full refund.

Along with this very strong guarantee, this product is loved by customers as well. Many who struggled with trying to lose fat have state this product provides the results they desired. Many also enjoyed the fact this product is not full of other unnecessary ingredients.


Research Verified Forskolin is positively different than the other forskolin products currently on the market. It comes with the most potent form of forskolin extract and is all natural. In addition, this product is vegetarian friendly. But what really helps this product stand out is the guarantee and customer testimonials. With a solid 365 day guarantee, you have no fear of trying this product, especially if you are new customer. You can purchase the largest package for the discounted price and still be protected by the guarantee. Overall, we feel this product would be ideal for those who truly want the fat loss they desire.

Click here to learn about our top Forskolin products.

Forskolin Pure Review

Here is a review of Forskolin Pure. The product is meant to aid people who wish to burn body fat and shed those unwanted pounds. After extensive research we have determined this product is currently one of the most potent fat burning forskolin supplements current out on the market. The product is manufactured in a FDA approved laboratory and while potent, still follows the guidelines and safety precautions listed by the US FDA. If you are currently in the market for a forskolin product which actually does what it claims to do, please keep reading this review to learn more about the product and what it has to offer.


This product is made from Coleus forskohlii in its purest form. There are no filler products, which makes this product high quality and as potent as possible.


The recommended dose for Forskolin Pure is one capsule twice a day. You should take the capsules a half hour before your meals with water.

Possible Side Effects

This product is stated to have no side effects. However we always suggest and recommend you speak with a healthcare profession such as your doctor or physician if you have any questions or concerns about taking this product or any other supplement. Women currently pregnant and/or nursing, those who are taking prescription medication, or those who have a medical conditions are highly recommended to talk to their doctor first before incorporating any type of supplement.


Forskolin Pure can be purchased in three packages. They are: the sample bottle (1 month supply), the 3 Bottle Moderate Package, and the 6 Bottles Monster Plan. The best value for the customer would be to purchase the 6 Bottles Monster Plan since each bottle would only cost you $22.95. One bottle is priced currently at $49.95.


This product comes with a 60-day money back guarantee. This means if you can try Forskolin without worrying about losing money if the product does not work for you. If you are unhappy with the results of Forskolin, all you need to do is contact a customer service representative and ship your open and unopened bottles back to the company for a full refund. Though, from what we have seen, it seems the product delivers when it comes to its claims. We found very positive customer reviews about the product. A majority stated they were satisfied with the results and truly saw how effective it was. Many also were elated this product did not contain extra unneeded ingredients.


Forskolin Pure is an award winning product which is pure in its ingredients and executes in terms of its claims. We feel this product may currently be one of the best forskolin products currently out for purchase to date. Not only is it supported by customer testimonials, this product has a great 60-day guarantee and tiered packages to suit your particular lifestyle. Rather than throwing away money on other fluff ingredient filled forskolin products, we feel you have a better chance at getting the results you truly want with this product.

Click here to learn about our top Forskolin products.

Pro Lean Forskolin Review

This is a review of Pro Lean Forskolin, a weight loss product. There are many Forskolin extract weight loss products on the market today. Forskolin is extracted from the roots of the Coleus forskohlii plant and allows your body to burn belly fat and stop the formation of new fat. Forskolin extract was launched into the consciousness of the health-world by Dr. Oz on his television talk show. He referred to it as “lightning in a bottle.”  It is the most potent fat buster on the market and it is also a powerful appetite suppressant. In addition to Dr. Oz’s claims, many clinical studies and news reports have backed the power of Forskolin extract. We decided to take a closer look at this specific product. Read on to learn more about whether it is right for your weight loss needs.


This is an herbal supplement, not a medication.  This product information is not clearly listed in the manufacturer website.  We would hope that no artificial ingredients, fillers or binders were included in the product formulation but, we cannot discern this information from the website.


This product is intended for weight loss.  However, the recommended dosage is not listed on the manufacturer’s website. You may want to contact individual retailers to get full product information.  No side effects have been reported.  Talk to your doctor if you do have allergic reactions to any of the individual ingredients in this product.


The manufacturer offers a free trial bottle.  However, the retail price for this product is not listed online.  Beware of free trial offers because they often require you to sign up for an automatic shipment program and can be difficult to cancel.


We could not find any clear information on returns and refunds on the official website, so this may be something you will have to address with individual resellers. Consumers want to feel confident in trying out a new product. It is disappointing that this product does not offer the security of a money back guarantee. Many comparable products offer guarantees.


We are disappointed by the lack of information on the product website. There are an almost endless amount of weight loss supplements on the market which can be overwhelming and confusing for consumers. Trying to figure out which products do as they promise can be a confusing, daunting and frustrating task. Pro Lean Forskolin is supposedly based on natural herbal extracts with known benefits for weight loss. However, there is very limited information available online about this product. We are also hesitant to recommend a company with a “free trial” scheme.

Click here to learn about our Top Forskolin products.

Forskolin Forte LifeProLabs Review

This is a review of Forskolin Forte 40% Standardized Coleus forskohlii extract by LifeProLabs, a weight loss product. There are many Forskolin extract weight loss products on the market today. Forskolin is extracted from the roots of the Coleus forskohlii plant and allows your body to burn belly fat and stop the formation of new fat. Forskolin extract was launched into popularity by Dr. Oz on his television talk show. He referred to it as “lightening in a bottle.”  It is the most potent fat buster on the market and it is also a powerful appetite suppressant. In addition to Dr. Oz’s claims, many clinical studies and news reports have backed the power of Forskolin extract. We decided to take a closer look at this specific product. Read on to learn more about whether it is right for your weight loss needs.


This is an herbal supplement, not a medication.  Each 150mg capsule of Forskolin Forte by LifeProLabs contains 60mg of forskolin. The forskolin is extracted from the Coleus forskohlii plant root and it is standardized to 40% concentration. One of the most well known forskolin studies only used 10% concentration. Also the forskolin concentration in the Forskolin Forte capsule is about 50x the concentration of the dried Coleus forskohlii plant root source. There are no artificial ingredients, fillers or binders used in this product.


This product is intended for weight loss.  However, the recommended dosage is not listed on the manufacturer’s website. You may want to contact individual retailers to get full product information.  No side effects have been reported.  Talk to your doctor if you do have allergic reactions to any of the individual ingredients in this product.


No pricing information is listed online. Contact a retailer for more information.


We could not find any clear information on returns and refunds on the official website, so this may be something you will have to address with individual resellers. Consumers want to feel confident in trying out a new product. It is disappointing that this product does not offer the security of a money back guarantee. Many comparable products offer guarantees.


There is limited information available about this product online. Forskolin Forte 40% Standardized Coleus forskohlii extract by LifeProLabs is supposedly based on natural herbal extracts with known benefits for weight loss. However, as there is very limited information available online about this product we are hesitant to recommend it.

Click here to learn about our Top Forskolin products.

Forskolin Ultra Trim Review

Forskolin is the active ingredient in the roots of the Coleus Forskohlii plant found in the subtropical climates of India, Nepal and Thailand. It is said to be able to control metabolism and suppress appetite for weight loss. The key is to find a supplement with the Forskolin extract that is standardized to 20%.

In one study involving rats who were fed a high-fat diet, Forskolin was found to significantly inhibit weight gain. Similar trials have been conducted in humans. In 2012, a review was published in the Journal of Obesity that looked at a clinical study over 12 weeks. The study showed that Forskolin elicited favorable changes in body composition by significantly decreasing body fat percentage and fat mass. Additionally, there was a significant increase in lean body mass, as well as bone mass, as a result of taking Forskolin.

Now, there are a lot of weight loss products available on the market, and Forskolin is looking like the next great weight loss phenomena. You just need to find a product that fits your needs.


There are many weight loss supplements that use many different types of ingredients. Some medicines use herbal remedies or contain only all natural ingredients. Another popular treatment option is a product that contains homeopathic ingredients. The bottom line is that there are many available choices on the market. This product contains the following ingredients:

• Forskolin Root Extract (Standardized for 20% Forskolin)

Suggested Use

The manufacturer does not specify what the daily suggest dosage is for this product on their website.

Side Effects

No side effects could be identified for this product. As always, with any medication, supplement or treatment, consult your doctor before use.


When looking on the manufacturer’s website, pricing could not be found. They only offer the product as a free trial. I would be weary of products that you cannot buy direct or products that offer free trials. Often these free trials turn into unsolicited charges to credit cards for products that you have given no prior approval for.


Many people want a guarantee as an assurance that if they don’t get the results that they are looking for, they will not be punished. Depending on where you buy this product, individual websites may off their own money-back guarantees. The manufacturer says that they offer a guarantee for the product, but no information could be found on its policy.

Overall Value

There are a lot of great weight loss supplements on the market, some of which contain Forskolin like including Forskolin Ultra Trim Fat Loss Extract. With that being said, when looking at the pure lack of information on this product, you can come away feeling a little uneasy.

Click here to learn about our Top Forskolin products.

Gingabody Forskolin Review

The newest weight loss supplement on the market is Forskolin. Gingabody Forskolin is said to be an effective supplement to assist in burning fat, creating lean muscle and losing weight. By taking Forskolin daily, you can melt away belly fat and prevent the formation of new fat. It has been shown in clinical studies to be highly effective.

In one study involving rats who were fed a high-fat diet, Forskolin was found to significantly inhibit weight gain. Similar trials have been conducted in humans. In 2012, a review was published in the Journal of Obesity that looked at a clinical study over 12 weeks. The study showed that Forskolin elicited favorable changes in body composition by significantly decreasing body fat percentage and fat mass. Additionally, there was a significant increase in lean body mass, as well as bone mass, as a result of taking Forskolin.

Now, there are a lot of weight loss products available on the market, and Forskolin is looking like the next great weight loss phenomena. You just need to find a product that fits your needs.


There are many weight loss supplements that use many different types of ingredients. Some medicines use herbal remedies or contain only all natural ingredients. Another popular treatment option is a product that contains homeopathic ingredients. The bottom line is that there are many available choices on the market. This product contains the following ingredients:

  • Forskolin Root Extract (Standardized for 20% Forskolin) – 125 mg
  • Gelatin
  • Magnesium Stearate
  • Calcium Carbonate

Suggested Use

The manufacturer recommends taking one capsule twice daily as a dietary supplement.

Side Effects

No side effects could be identified for this product. As always, with any medication, supplement or treatment, consult your doctor before use.


Internet pricing may vary from website to website. At the time of writing this review this product was found at a price of $50.00 for a bottle of 60 capsules, which under the suggested use should last about one month.


Many people want a guarantee as an assurance that if they don’t get the results that they are looking for, they will not be punished. Depending on where you buy this product, individual websites may off their own money-back guarantees. When researching this product, a manufacturer money-back guarantee was not found.

Overall Value

There are a lot of great weight loss supplements on the market, some of which contain Forskolin like including Gingabody Forskolin. However, due to the high price, we suggest that you look for a more suitable weight loss product.

Click here to learn about our Top Forskolin products.

Pure Natural Forskolin Review

Shedding those extra pounds sometimes seems impossible. No matter how much we try to make time for exercise, something always come up. The lack of time and indolence are the reasons why majority of people strive to lose weight with a miracle product. Over the years, we have seen hundreds of such products claiming to burn fat appear and disappear. While a number of these products were legitimate, others turned out to be just a sham. Recently, we have been introduced with Pure Natural Forskolin. Contained in a small bottle, the product is an herbal extract of Coleus Forskohlii plant that claims to be highly effective for weight loss.

Forskolin is not a modern discovery. It has been used to treat several kinds of disorders for many centuries such as digestive disorders, allergies, infections and rheumatism. Nowadays it is being promoted as a natural metabolism booster and fat burner. Although, some dietitians have voiced reservations about the potency of Forskolin, most people who have been watching their weight are going gaga over it. Let’s discuss the ingredients, benefits and health concerns of Forskolin.


The manufacturers of Pure Natural Forskolin have stated that it has 100% all natural ingredients.

Pure Natural Forskolin contains the following ingredients:

The product does not have any artificial colors, chemicals or preservatives to ensure its efficacy and consumer’s health.

Recommended Dose

According to the manufacturer’s protocol, Pure Natural Forskolin should be taken twice a day for optimal result.

Side Effects

Before taking any medication, it is important to be aware of its potential side effects. Moreover, it is best to talk to your healthcare practitioner as well. Pure Natural Forskolin is generally safe in adults if taken within the limits of its safe dose. There are inadequate trials to validate the complete safety of the drug but on the basis of few clinical studies and researches, Forskolin is found to be very safe. During the research, the subjects did not encounter any severe adverse effects.

Precautions and Warnings

Patients with blood disorders or cardiovascular diseases should refrain from taking Forskolin. There is some proof that Forskolin causes thinning of blood and increases the likelihood of bleeding. If you are scheduled to have a surgical procedure, stop taking Forskolin at least two weeks prior to the appointment. In heart patients, the product might significantly lower the blood pressure and aggravate the condition.

The safety of Forskolin in pregnant women and nursing mothers is not known yet. It is advised that in pregnancy and lactation, women should avoid the product just to be on the safe side.


Due to its clinical benefits Forskolin has become quite a sensation and its price tends to rise and drop accordingly. At the time of writing this review the price of Pure Natural Forskolin was found to be $37.


Even though they promise 100% purity and potency, the manufacturers of Pure Natural Forskolin do not give any guarantee of weight loss. If the expected results are not obtained, the company will not refund the customer. It is not very uncommon. In most cases producers of dietary supplement do not pledge to reimburse the clients if they found the results to be disappointing. There is nothing evil going on behind it. This is how it works.


Forskolin might not be the perfect solution but it is worth a try. Based on our in-depth research, Forskolin does have properties that accelerate the metabolism and thermogenesis of fat by breaking down fat stored in fat cells and releasing fatty acids stored in the muscle tissue. Clinical studies have shown that Pure Natural Forskolin helps to reduce body weight, aids in building muscles and maintaining the overall weight. However, the experimental trials are insufficient in number. In a nutshell, we simply need more proof to verify its results. Until then, we can only hypothesize and try it in the hope of gain but with the risk of loss. You  might be better off looking for a different weight loss supplement.

Click here to learn about our Top Forskolin products.

Is Forskolin Really The Best Weight Loss Pill Out There?

What Is Forskolin And Why Is It Being Advertised As A Miracle Supplement?

Every other day we see fresh miracle supplements and a new weight loss craze. One of the latest magic fat burner products is forskolin. Forskolin is a naturally occurring chemical compound (labdane diterpene) extracted from an herb called Indian Coleus (Coleus forskohlii). Forskolin is also known as Coleonol. Humans have been using forskolin for the treatments of various disorders and diseases for many centuries. It has been used to control urinary tract infections, idiopathic congestive cardiomyopathy, asthma, glaucoma, allergies and several abdominal conditions. Lately, forskolin is being advertised as a weight loss supplement. The product claims to be unique, innovative and pure that has led numerous people to believe that it is the solution to their weight problems. Despite the fact that its efficacy has not been proved, forskolin is being sponsored as the best pill out there for weight loss.

Is it really the best pill to reduce weight or just another scam? Let’s find out.

What Are The Ingredients Of Forskolin?

Forskolin Review - Is Forskolin Really The Best Weight Loss Pill Out There?Ingredients used in forskolin differ from product to product. Most supplements contain the following elements:

Active 10% Forskolin
20% Coleus Forskohlii Root (a member of mint family)
Yielding 50 mg

Manufacturers of forskolin usually avoid adding any artificial color or flavor, preservatives and chemicals. The pills are supposed to be 100% unadulterated and pure to give the very best results possible as well as to assure the health of consumers.

How Much Forskolin Can You Take?

Forskolin comes in a variety of forms and for each form, safe dose is different. If you are taking supplements of forskolin, you must follow the manufacturer’s protocol or your doctor’s prescription. The maximum dose of regular oral forskolin capsule is found to be 500 mg.

What Are The Adverse Effects Of Forskolin?

Like any other drug, forskolin has its benefits and side effects. While it is a great metabolism booster, fat burner and anti-infective,Forskolin Review - Is Forskolin Really The Best Weight Loss Pill Out There? forskolin is known to cause unwanted effects and must be used with caution. Even though clinical trials are inefficient, the drug has manifested a number of undesirable responses in patients with heart diseases and blood disorders. Some of the side effects include low blood pressure, rapid or irregular heart rate, thinning of blood, sore throat and cough, tremors and restlessness.

As there is a risk of hemorrhage, it is advised that intake of forskolin should be stopped at least two weeks before the scheduled surgical procedure.

Due to limited clinical studies, it is better for pregnant women and lactating mothers to stay away from forskolin.

What Is The Price Of Forskolin?

At the time of writing this review, the price of most forskolin supplements was between $12 and $40.

Is There Any That Guarantee That Forskolin Will Work?

The manufacturers of forskolin self-affirm that the product is pure and uncontaminated. There has not been any mention of repayment if you are not happy with the results.

Conclusion – Should You Buy Forskolin?

Several experimental trials were conducted to confirm the effectiveness of forskolin as a weight reducer. It might not be the best solution out there but it does make a small difference. Let’s not consider the adverse effects for a moment. It is no secret that forskolin has a thermogenesis weight loss formula. To put it simply, it burns fat cells accumulated in your muscles by accelerating your metabolism. Of course, forskolin won’t make you slim and smart in no time. However, if you follow healthy dietary guidelines and exercise regularly, forskolin will be more effective and aid in losing weight.

Is Forskolin The Magic Bullet?

Is Forskolin As Beneficial As It Claims To Be?

Forskolin has been around for a long time and its uses and advantages are well-known all over the world. It is a labdane diterpene, a chemical compound produced by the Indian Coleus plant called Coleus forskohlii. The herbal extract is used as a medicament to treat different kinds of diseases and conditions. In Indian traditional medical practices, this Ayurvedic herb has been regarded as a cure-all for hundreds of years. However, in the United States, Forskolin is relatively new and unknown. While no one can deny its benefits as an anti-infective and anti-allergic, people are skeptical about forskolin claiming to be a potent weight loss medicine.

A number of experiments and studies were carried out to prove the legitimacy of the drug. Whilst we have no concrete evidence that it is the magic bullet for weight loss, Forskolin has shown positive results in some clinical trials.

In this article, you will find a complete overview of Forskolin including its benefits, side effects and efficacy.

Forskolin Supplements – What Do They Contain?

Reviews, Testimonials And User Experiences Of ForskolinNowadays, forskolin is causing widespread reaction of interest and excitement. Proclaiming to be one of the best solutions to treat obesity, forskolin has created quite a stir. There are many companies that are manufacturing forskolin supplements and each of them has its own set of ingredients.

Forskolin is derived from the root of Coleus forskohlii. Active and most common ingredients include:

Active 10% Forskolin
20% Coleus Forskohlii Root (a member of mint family)
Yielding 50 mg

Effective Dose Of Forskolin

According to healthcare practitioners and supplement producers, the recommended dosage of 10% Forskolin is 500 mg per day. For weight loss purposes, Forskolin should be taken orally.

Undesirable Effects Caused By Forskolin

According to trials and user experiences, Forskolin has a handful of adverse effects that you should be aware of. It can cause hypotension, increased bleeding, arrhythmia, irritation of throat, dry cough, increase in testosterone levels, restlessness and tremors. It is contraindicated in patients with blood disorders and cardiomyopathy. Moreover, it should be avoided before major surgical procedures. Although it is not contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation, it is better to steer clear of forskolin due to lack of validity.

Cost Of Forskolin

Forskolin, often termed as ‘lightning in a bottle’, has become one of the most popular dietary supplements. Forskolin is cost-effective with a price range of $12 and $40. Please keep in mind that prices change depending upon the popularity, brand and dosage of supplement.

What’s The Guarantee That Forskolin Will Work?

Reviews, Testimonials And User Experiences Of ForskolinManufacturers of Forskolin have made no promises that their product will show definite results. They have openly declared that their product is advantageous and yields results, but they haven’t mentioned anything about a refund.

Is Forskolin The Magic Bullet?

We can all agree that Forskolin is not a panacea. It comes with its potentially risky side effects and uses. In order to obtain the best possible result with forskolin supplements, it is necessary that you follow the prescription, eat a healthy diet and exercise.

According to producers, Forskolin has fat burning properties. It boosts metabolism, reduces weight and helps you achieve optimal body mass index (BMI). Advantages of forskolin are not limited to its weight losing properties. It also claims to improve concentration, mental stamina and memory as well.

Based on investigations, we have learned that it does have a fat-burning mechanism of action. However, the results were not consistent. While in some trials Forskolin managed to improve body composition, it failed to demonstrate the expected results in other trials. To sum it up, we need more clinical studies to confirm the efficacy of Forskolin.